Catalog Services

Unlock the Value of Your Music Catalog

At Link Media Partners, we leverage our decades of relationships and experience to facilitate seamless transactions for buyers and sellers of music catalogs. Our extensive network spans thousands of rights holders, artists, producers, songwriters, publishing catalogs, and labels.

Trusted by Veteran Music Creators

Veteran music creators trust us to help package their catalogs for sale, qualify buyers, and close the deal. Our team has a proven track record of assisting creators in maximizing the value of their life’s work.

Connecting Buyers with Qualified Catalogs

Our network of buyers has acquired dozens of music catalogs in recent years. Whether you are a family fund, private investor, or otherwise, we have the relationships, connections, and knowledge to source qualified catalogs for acquisition.

Why Choose Link Media Partners?


Decades of industry experience and deep relationships.


Connections with thousands of rights holders, artists, producers, and more.


Veteran music creators rely on us for smooth, successful transactions.


Proven track record of helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals.

Why Music Catalogs?

Music catalogs have become an asset class in their own right, and many high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors are interested in them. Some investors are even fans of the artists whose catalogs they buy, and may see it as a trophy.

Stable returns
Investors can earn royalties every time a song is played or streamed, which can provide stable returns even during economic downturns.
Passive income
Investors can also earn money from licensing deals, merchandise, and cover versions.
Working artists can sell their catalogs to gain liquidity for near-term financial goals, such as buying a home or funding a new project.
When a musician sells their catalog, they know exactly how much they will receive, and their income isn’t dependent on the popularity of their music or future crises in the industry.
Value appreciation
Investors can increase the value of a catalog by finding new revenue streams or fixing issues that prevent royalties from reaching their full value.

Ready to buy?

If you are a buyer looking to purchase music catalogs, contact us today and let us know what type of catalog you are looking for. We will connect you with the right opportunities to meet your needs.